Our First Ducklings

Pictured above are our first ducklings, hatched in an incubator. The black ones are Black East Indian, and the yellow ones are Miniature Appleyard, which are the bantam version of the once common farmyard favourite, the Appleyard. Notice that they are on a non-slip plastic matting (sold as a non-slip shelf lining), in a glass tank with a heat light. Ducklings don't need to be kept as warm for as long as chicks, but they do need to be on a non-slip mat so that they can walk steadily without slipping in their own spilt or splashed water. Even day old ducklings can spread a little water a very long way... and for as long as they live, doing so will be one of their favourite occupations! The message then is clear. If you don't like mess, then don't buy ducks!

Oh, and by the way, one of these Black East Indian (BEI) ducklings - sorry, not sure which! - is picured 6 months later in the title photograph. The oil in their feathers produces that beautiful petrol green sheen, which is enhanced by sunlight, and is similar to the colour of irridescent green beetles.